Kathy's Knitting & Knothings

Monday, August 14, 2006

Smokin' Credit Card

Got my stitches out today :) then drove to a gf's house to drop off the martini cloth. Figuring BabiesRU wasn't that much further I went and did major damage. Couldn't fit everything in the car, so I have to go back. Bought:

Went for PT and on my way in to pick up Effie to go to the vet ran into the garage again! So have to have the garage door molding replaced and it looks like I'll need a new front bumper! Effie has been gnawing at her legs and a lot of the hair is gone :(. So we had the office visit, skin scraping, steroids, spray, Revolution and bought some new shampoo.


At 8/22/2006 12:19:00 AM , Blogger Janey said...

Just surfing through (from Dishcloth KAL) and read about your dog gnawing at the hair on her legs. A suggestion - which might not work for you at all, but I hope it does:

Our dog used to do that, chewing the hair off, right down to bare skin (on her paws mostly) - until she limped.
Many medications didn't work. The "cause" was determined to be that she was the nervous type...until... we started giving her ONLY filtered water to drink. And that stopped her gnawing completely!
(Don't know what was in the water from the tap that caused it.)


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